Manual for farmall f20 parts

Farmall F20 Engine

My first attempt at starting was a bit discouraging, as I did not get so much as a hit. After a lot of that, I changed the mag setting, and she fired right up. I was obviously thrilled.. Seems this tractor is pretty picky about where it likes the mag setting. I ran the engine for about 10 minutes and then let it rest. I found that I had some coolant leaking into the oil :(, but I also found that the head bolts were also not torqued as well as they should be. I still need to borrow a big enough torque wrench to get it right, as mine only goes to 90 lbs. I did tighten them up quite a bit and I think I have the coolant leak pretty well solved. I think I may lift the head back up and apply some gasket adhesive, which I did not do the first time. Hopefully, that would guarantee I had it leak free.

Anyway, after letting it rest a few minutes, I fired her back up, and took it for its first ride in 50+ years. Pretty cool. All went well for a while, then I got to a point where it would bog down and not want to move if I let the clutch out. After letting the gas run dry, I took some time off to get some advice from my brother and the Nebraska Cowman (one of my best resources throughout the project). Seems the shifter was leaving the proper area and when it did, it could then push the other gears around, so that the transmission was actually in two gears at once.

I corrected the shifter placement and reassembled it. And it happened again. That is where having two F-20's comes in handy. I took the shifter off my other one and then had no problems. Took it back off, compared the two and the one that works is perfectly straight from one end to the other, whereas the one that does not angles about 15 degrees at the hinge. I am not sure why this would matter as long as it is in straight relative to the gears, but it seems to matter. Nebraska Cowman had an extra and I have that ready to put on. Meanwhile, I have been driving it with the shifter from my other F-20.

This F-20 runs great. The engine purrs beautifully. The gear pattern is different than my steel wheeled F-20. It has a much faster 4th gear. My last major problem to solve is the governor. It does not really seem to be governing, and when I move the lever one position, the engine speed goes out of control. I am sure this has a lot to do with my having taken the governor off, the governor lever off, and the carb off, thus all the various connecting points in the system were sure to have been moved and I did not give this any thought when I assembled everything back together. I'll get that problem tackled soon. I have a sediment bowl on the way and once those two items are taken care of and the hood back on, it'll be pretty well complete, except for paint. We'll see if I get brave enough to try my hand at painting this year. Not sure if I have the patience for that thorough of cleaning, but I'll have to.

Farmall F20 Engine For Sale

All in all, I have to say I am a very happy camper right now.

August 3, 2006 - A few learning opportunities since my last post. I found that 90lbs. of torque is about all you should do on these old tractors. Found out the hard way of course. I broke off two head studs!!! Yikes. Luckily, the remnants o one came out easily, but the other was broken off even with the block as was frozen tight. I ordered some left handed drill bits, hoping that they would free it up. They did not. So I ended up buying a rethreading kit, for which I had to over drill the whole to a certain size and screw in a new thread for my new head studs to bolt into. A good learning experience, I just hope I don't have to apply it very often.

In the meantime, I got a new sediment bowl assembly from the Nebraska Cowman and installed that. Everything is now reassembled and operating pretty well. I still have the issue of the governor not wanting to govern. I hope I get that figured out soon. I took the mechanism off that goes from the carb to the governor and made sure I put it back on correctly. All seems to be in order. Might have to tear into the governor more to determine if one of its internal mechanisms is stuck. The basic problem is that if the throttle is advanced even the slightest bit from completely closed, the engine runs pretty well out of control. The engine also does not compensate when going up or down hills as my other F-20 does. I am sure I will get it figured out soon.

1935 Farmall F20 For Sale

So, who wants to paint this old beast???